We are continuously improving our processes : Oskar Ruegg

We are continuously improving our processes

November 2019


The efficient use of a CAD/CAM solution is an essential competitive factor in the toolmaking sector. The entire process chain, the transfer of article data, the subsequent analysis of the component and its preparation, tool design and CNC programming have a lasting effect on the profitability of a company. The CAD/CAM software VISI from Vero Software helps the toolmakers to control their processes economically.


Since the beginning of this year, Oskar Rüegg has been working successfully with VISI. The material flow analysis or step-by-step processing of stamping tools provide the toolmaker with unsurpassed productivity. System standards can be maintained and the processing times in toolmaking can be reduced. Comprehensive 2.5-axis, 3+2-axis and 5-axis machining strategies are now available for the toolmakers to manufacture highly complex tools for our customers even more efficiently.


Source: Mecadat